Tavis Sparrow, Icron2022-08-302023-07-05https://sdvoe.org/wp-content/uploads/logo.pngSDVoEhttps://sdvoe.org/wp-content/uploads/tavis-sparrow-1.jpg200px200px
Face to Face AV
with Justin Kennington
Tavis Sparrow, Icron
30 Aug 2022
In this episode of Face to Face AV, Justin Kennington is joined by Tavis Sparrow, Technical Business Management Icron. The two discuss #SDVoE, its interaction with USB and how Icron fits into the Alliance product lineup.
About The Authors
SDVoE Alliance
The SDVoE Alliance is bringing leading companies in the space together around a standardized hardware and software platform. The SDVoE platform will disrupt the pro AV industry by enabling applications that were previously unrealizable.