Ask the Professor
Ok, I admit it, it’s been a while since I’ve been a student. A few post-MBA courses at McGill University circa 2009 in brand-new classrooms let the more tech-savvy profs use PowerPoint. Some occasionally risked playing a video clip, but there was often an AV guy on site to get everything going.
Today’s students live in a vastly different world of technology. For them, consuming content on multiple screens simultaneously is the norm. In this week’s episode of SDVoE LIVE! “Digital Canvas: The Modern Classroom” professor Gary Kayye showed us that in a modern classroom, the display does not have to be a single monitor or projector connected to a single video source. It is ideally a complete digital canvas on which content can be easily positioned anywhere. Where traditional presentation systems ask “which single content do you want on the single display”, this new approach to presentation asks “which content is most important right now”, leaving other content on screen for context, background and collaboration, ready to be called to the front at a moment’s notice.
Gary teaches multiple courses at the University of North Carolina that benefit from digital canvas systems he designed. It’s easy to imagine how such topics as new media and its impact on the future of advertising, marketing and PR, personal and professional branding, and principles of advertising come alive for students with Gary’s dynamic presentation style and all those resources combined.
To go along with the interview with Gary, we also saw a snippet of the latest SDVoE Academy course “SDVoE in Education” that expands on how SDVoE enables the digital canvas concept. The course also talks about “flipped classrooms”, another hot topic in education.
What’s more, Justin and Matt gave us their take on a couple news articles with interesting titles. “Building Long-Term Educational AV Out of Short-Term Hybrid Uses” notes that educational institutions at all levels were tasked with changing the way learning takes place during the pandemic and looks at how educational AV technology can be used long term. “Past, Present And Present Again” takes a look at educational technology over time. Visit SDVoE Academy for the recorded episode and the resource links.
In the aftershow, Gary answered some great questions from our live audience.
Next up on SDVoE LIVE!
On June 1, join us for “The New AV Frontier: eSports” with Mike Morgan, CTS,DMC-D,XTP-E.
eSports is a hot topic in the world of pro AV and beyond. In episode 14, our guest Mike Morgan of New Era Technology will give us insight into the business side of this burgeoning industry. How are universities using eSports to recruit? What new businesses are being created to support this new trend? And of course, what are the AV technologies and products that support this new ecosystem? All these questions will be answered during the show.
Mike’s a senior account executive at New Era Technology who is passionate about providing unified technology solutions. He got into the industry nearly 30 years ago, straight out of college and has enjoyed nearly every day since. He has experience with virtually every aspect of AV from system design to commissioning and everything in between. Mike enjoys being involved with cutting-edge technology and providing well-thought-out solutions for clients. His philosophy –that there can never be enough attention paid to detail – serves him (and his clients) well.
In case you missed it
Previous episodes of SDVoE LIVE!, the aftershows and additional resources are waiting for you, whenever you have time to indulge. Sign up for a free SDVoE Academy account, if you don’t already have one.