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Welcome to SDVoE LIVE! – Pro AV’s only edutainment program

These lively 30-minute interactive shows will be educational and fun. We’re planning a full slate of topics over the coming months – Pro AV news commentary, training on a variety of important pro AV concepts, illuminating case studies, panel discussions and more. Let SDVoE Alliance president Justin Kennington, head of education Matt Dodd, and their special guests entertain and educate you. Engage with us.

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Upcoming shows – We’re live Tuesdays at 1 PM ET (New York)

Season One Finale - In Control: from IR to APIs

Twenty years ago, AV control meant a simple bit of logic and a lot of infrared codes pulled from a giant (and not necessarily trustworthy) database. Today, most devices are network-connected and controlled by an API. In this episode we'll explore what this means for the AV programmer, as well as the system designer and the system owner. Are we, as an industry, truly realizing the powerful potential that this software-defined revolution offers us? Can the traditional AV programmer keep up, or is this an opportunity to bring a new kind of talent into AV (or both)? We will answer these questions with our guest Lincoln King-Cliby, who has been programming AV systems since the days of IR.


Lincoln King-Cliby CTS, DMC-E-4K/T/D - Commercial Market Director and Sr. Systems Architect, ControlWorks Consulting, LLC

Lincoln King-Cliby is the commercial market director and senior systems architect at independent-programming-powerhouse ControlWorks Consulting. A Diamond Crestron Certified Master Programmer and Extron Authorized Programmer, Lincoln has been involved in professional audiovisual systems design and installation since 1999, transitioning to full-time AV control systems design and programming in 2005. He particularly enjoys unusual and legislative applications of technology. An avid traveler, Lincoln has visited 22 countries on five continents, 39.5 of the United States, and 3 Canadian provinces.

Watch recorded episodes on demand

Topic Guest
A New Architecture for Network Convergence
What is a Network, Anyway?
Leveraging Fiber Optics for Video Distribution Gary Vlaeminck, Cleerline Technology Group
HDR Explained Stéphane Tremblay, Semtech
The 8K Revolution in Pro AV Chris Chinnock, 8K Association
Why Samsung Chose SDVoE over a Matrix Charlie Sullivan, Head of Business Development – UK & Ireland, ZeeVee
The Lost Art of AV – How Bright Are You? Chris Neto, Chris Neto CTS, Market Development Manager, Starin, a Midwich Company
HOW Special Is That? Matt D. Scott, President OMEGA Audio Video, Co-Founder,
It’s 1:00. Do You Know Where Your Network Is? Alesia Hendley, Sales Engineer, Multimedia Journalist, Content Creator
Network Safety for AV Pros Josh Srago, JD | CIPP/US
Practice What You Preach Tim Albright, CMO, Conference Technologies
So You Think You Know USB? Tavis Sparrow, Sr. Technical Business Manager, Icron Technologies
Digital Canvas: the Modern Classroom Gary Kayye, founder of Kayye Consulting and president and CEO of rAVe
The New AV Frontier: eSports Mike Morgan, CTS,DMC-D,XTP-E- Senior Account Executive, New Era Technology


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