Everyone recognizes that network security is important, but why? Ultimately, security is the foundation of privacy. But privacy is about more than just the network - it's about behavior. Our guest Josh Srago realized early the rapidly increasing importance of these issues to pro AV, so he put a successful AV design career on hold to attend law school, and become an industry expert in navigating these crucial questions for our industry. In this episode we'll dive into the comingled topics of security and privacy, and explore how AV pros can be ready to best serve their clients.
The show starts Tuesday, April 6 at 1 PM ET (New York). Stick around for the aftershow to get all your questions answered on the spot.
Participate with questions and comments on Twitter using #sdvoelive.
If you missed previous episodes, "Leveraging Fiber Optics for Video Distribution", "A New Architecture for Network Convergence", "What is a Network, Anyway?, "HDR Explained", “The 8K Revolution in Pro AV”, "Why Samsung Chose SDVoE over a Matrix", "The Lost Art of AV – How Bright Are You?", "HOW Special Is That", or "t’s 1:00. Do You Know Where Your Network Is?", watch them in SDVoE Academy with access to additional resources, or visit the SDVoE Alliance YouTube channel.